Friday, 2 February 2018

Weeknotes 2 - 2nd February 2018

Keeping my promise to be open and also to take time each week to consider what I've learned, what worked well and what I could have gone better, here is Week Two of my #weeknotes.

I spent a good part of the week interviewing people for a magazine article.  Each of them had struggled to find work because of a disability.  They'd received support and had made progress towards getting a job.  Many of them talked to me about how cut off they felt without work.  It wasn't about the money.  They wanted to work to put their skills to good use and to connect with others.  They wanted to work to combat loneliness.

In the UK, we now have a Minister of Loneliness and this week the The Washington Post (amongst others) has written about how Europeans are struggling with feeling isolated.  Could social media help?  I admit to being hooked on Facebook and often post jokes or photos when I just need an audience to share something with (and require a little more response than the teenage eye rolls I get from my sons).  But social media also paints an unrealistic picture and, if you compare yourself as you're scrolling through the fabulous lives of others, it can make anyone feel separate, less interesting and alone.

I also had a chat to a friend who is running a marathon in the Sahara desert (that's one that'd go down a treat on social media).  He's doing it to raise money for a London charity, The Camden Society, that supports people with disabilities, many of whom are housebound .  As well as providing care, they also provide company.  It struck a chord with me.

What did I learn this week?  That I don't know very much about loneliness but I know it affects all ages, races, socio economic groups.  I hope the Minister of Loneliness does a great job - and that my friend Matt makes a fortune with his fundraising.  What I don't do well?  Sharing my own time and keeping an eye out for others who might be lonely.  I'm going to work on that.

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