Friday, 26 January 2018

Welcome to Weeknotes 1 - 26th January 2018

An intriguing lunch with Matt Ballantine this week caused me to rethink how transparent I am in my working life.  Although cautious, I agreed to adopt some of the tools he uses.  I signed up to a lively and informative WhatsApp group (note to a beginner, mute the notifications - some people start chatting very early in the morning and if you sleep with your phone in bed with you you'll be woken at the crack of dawn).  And I promised to share Weeknotes - a sort of stream of consciousness about the week just experienced.  Here's mine:

It's been awards week.  Oscars announced.  Wordville won an award:

Most Outstanding PR & Marketing Company 2018

Why, thanks for that. 

And I had some heated debates about whether Management Today's proposed award for men who have supported woman to break through the glass ceiling was a bit 'iffy' and felt like handing out a prize for doing the right thing - or really an award for not doing the wrong thing.   

I also drafted an award for a client, which was inspiring.  Growth is great - or so they say - but it was impressive to catalogue all the achievements the company has made on behalf of the staff, clients and community.  

So, as someone who has always been a little cynical about awards, here am I in 'awardsville'.  I'm still conflicted about awards but admit I'm considering ordering the faux crystal trophy that comes with Wordville's latest.  Well, once you've got one you sort of need to keep it up. 


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