Thursday, 29 March 2018

Weeknotes 5 - when a rest is as good as a rest

Just back from The Galapagos Islands.  Oh yes, the Mayor took a holiday.  No internet, all jobs handed over to other members of the team and me alone communing with nature.  I barely saw a person for 10 days, let alone kept up to speed on the news.  Time flew.  

I packed paperback novels, took my ukulele and borrowed a great camera.  I thought I'd have time to fill as the boat moved from one island to another.  I thought I'd be twiddling my thumbs.  But time flew.

I dozed, I daydreamed and I watched iguanas walk oh so slowly across deserted sandy beaches.  And I slept.  Time flew.

According to City AM this week, the cost to the UK economy of the business world's sleep deficit could be up to $50bn a year.  This is measured in higher mortality, lower productivity and probably a whole load of bad decisions made when the mind is just frazzled.  Sleep deficit catches up with you. 

I learned so much on my holiday.  Turtles are wonderful creatures, sea lions swim alongside you fearlessly in the Galapagos, and I don't seem to suffer with seasickness (unlike some of the people on the catamaran I was on).  But I also re-taught myself how to sleep.  It was wonderful.  

So, that's the lesson of this week's notes.  A change isn't as good as a rest - although changing your location to the middle of nowhere helps separate you from all that's filling your head.  A good brisk walk won't wake you up if you would do better closing your eyes.  After years enjoying the fast pace, it's obvious that I really needed a good kip. 

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