Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Who would have a dog in the office?

Our PR agency has a four-legged ‘employee’ and we couldn’t do without him.  PR Pooch (aka Cosmo) comes into work every day and our visitors are very happy to see him.  He's quite a remarkable dog and has just the right temperament for a office dog.  He came from Battersea Dogs & Cats Home four years ago and is a wonderful ambassador for that great institution.   However, having an office pooch is something that needs to be well thought through.  It's more than a novelty stress reliever - it could actually change how you run your business. 

So here are some things to ponder if you're thinking of implementing a pet-friendly office:

1.     Not every landlord is going to be happy with having a dog in the office.  Once you’ve got the pet and committed to having them at work, you’re also committing to staying in working premises that are pet-friendly.  Dreams of a super-slick, high rise city boardroom might be out of the question as they can be strict about furry staff.

2.     Not every individual likes – or can deal with - pets.  We realised that every person we hire from this point on has to be comfortable with a dog in the office.  People with allergies wouldn’t be able to work here easily and that could potentially limit our intake of talent. 

3.     Visiting clients and suppliers generally love the dog.  Although many organisations now have dogs in the office, it’s still rare enough that every visitor is surprised and usually delighted.  Our dog runs down the stairs when the buzzer goes and brings up guests.  It’s quite a helpful way for them to find our reception which is on the second floor of the building.

4.     Having a dog forces you to take a break.  In busy work spaces lunches can be forgotten – but you can’t ignore a dog who needs to go for a walk.  Forcing people away from their desk, whatever the weather, actually helps reduce stress on manic days and keeps people moving.

5.     When it’s cold, our dog's a living hot water bottle.

6.   Our office pet has developed his own reputation.  His twitter profile PRPooch has followers and his tweets on dog-related news have been shared by the likes of Battersea Dogs Home and Country Life Magazine which helps the business's own profile raising. Follow him @PRPooch.

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