Friday, 18 January 2013

New year, new start?

So with January come the dreaded New Year’s resolutions. Up and down the country most people have set themselves something…start a diet, get fitter, stop smoking, drink less… the list goes on. I’ve never been a big fan of New Year’s resolutions. Why all of a sudden, just because it’s January, should I give up my chocolaty treats, join a gym and cut down my drinking? In my opinion it’s the worst month. You end up associating January not only with biting cold, but with post-Christmas guilt and previous years’ failures. I would just be setting myself up to fail.

Instead I urge people to make goals for throughout the year, things that will enhance your life rather than depriving yourself in the most miserable month. In March 2012 I started playing netball, and guess what, nearly a year later I’m part of a regular weekly team. In August, I joined the gym as I wanted to become a better player and now I love my workouts. It’s important to choose things that you want to do rather than the things you think you should do.

My friend is quitting smoking when she turns 25 because that’s when she wants to stop. She’s not jumping on some New Year’s resolution bandwagon; she’s waiting till her birthday. Waiting just four short months will make her, (in my opinion) much more likely to succeed.

January isn’t the only month where we should look to improve ourselves and our lives. Don’t be peer-pressured into New Year’s resolutions, wait till you’re ready. You wouldn’t leave your job just because everyone else did, so why would you make resolutions just because everyone else does. Every day, week, month, year brings an opportunity to make a better you.

By Pema Seely

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