Friday, 20 July 2012

You are what you eat

This week, there was another attempt at scaring the country into doing more exercise. Inactivity was hailed as being as dangerous for us as smoking. Now these scare tactics aren’t unusual, every week we are told to stop eating one thing or another.

Just 24 hours later, eggs, once again, make it onto the ‘good foods’ list. It’s no surprise that through all this ‘you can eat that- you can’t eat this’ nonsense we are becoming a nation that is fed up of food fads, ‘brain foods’ and ‘celebrity diets’.

The UK has one of the most inactive populations with, over 60% of adults doing less than their recommended quota. Maybe with the arrival of the Olympics on our doorstep next week, we will be ‘inspired’ to do more? Maybe we will have a new society of Jessica Ennis’ in years to come.    

Being in an office, I, as you would expect, spend the majority of my day seated. Attending meetings - I’m seated, making calls - I’m seated, having lunch - I’m seated. I also very rarely make it past 10.30am without having something to eat. This has been made increasingly difficult with the level of homemade cakes and muffins sneaking into the office.

I am, however, one of those crazy people who does actually enjoy exercise – although I am currently in a lot pain after a body attack class last night (yes, it is as bad as it sounds) - but because of this, I find I can quite easily achieve the recommended two and a half hours a week.

With long, busy working days, a ready meal is the welcome home most people are after and the last thing on their mind is 100 abdominal crunches.

How much exercise we should be doing and how many vitamins we should be swallowing  changes as often as Rihanna’s hair colour, so knowing what’s best is almost impossible.  

I say, have that doughnut – just be prepared to put the work in if you want to look like Jessica Alba on the beach this summer.

 By Stephanie Rock

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