Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Emphasis on Ideas

By David Anthony

In what seems like a blink of an eye, my first month at Wordville has already come and gone. It’s been a hectic few weeks, familiarising myself with a variety of clients and throwing myself into some fantastic projects.

I can't believe that almost three months have passed since I first met the team – I guess it’s true what they say, time flies when you’re having fun.

Back in early May, as part of the interview process, I was afforded the opportunity to meet my would-be colleagues over a cup of coffee. This served not only as an informal introduction, but a chance for all involved (myself included) to gauge whether or not I was in fact the right man for the job.

We traded numerous questions, shared past experiences, talked through day to day activities and spoke about the future of the agency. Much was discussed, but for me, one topic in particular really stood out. ‘Above all else, what one thing are you looking for from a prospective colleague?’ I asked. The answer came in almost perfect unison, ‘ideas’.

Before joining the team here, I plied my trade at D&AD – a not-for-profit organisation that represents the international design, advertising and creative communities.

D&AD exists to promote the importance of creativity, innovation and ideas, while their annual awards are to the creative community, what the Oscars are to those in the film industry.

Needless to say, I would find myself immersed in creativity on an almost daily basis, surrounded by the best advertising and design the world has to offer. D&AD is a truly inspiring place to work, and not least because it provides proof, if ever proof was needed, that a good idea can go an awful long way.

There’s a lot more to PR than merely churning out media kits and press releases. Creative thinking is at the very core of what we do.

Brainstorming, thrashing out ideas – ideas that evolve to form the backbone of a story, and a good story at that – is a truly creative process.

Finding the all important hook that will catch a journalist’s eye and ultimately generate press is of course no mean feat. From the sublime to the ridiculous, where ideas are concerned, no stone should be left unturned. Having a team of creative minds, with the ability to bounce ideas off one another is of utmost importance and key to the success of any business.

Thinking back to that day in early May, coffee in hand, sat in front of an expectant audience, it’s clear to see why I chose Wordville, and more importantly, why Wordville chose me. We value the importance of an idea.

Creative thinking isn’t just a mindset here, it’s a way of life. And I for one am extremely proud to be a part of it.

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