Friday, 5 June 2009

Mistrust Reality

Two friends of mine have recently become embroiled in reality TV shows - not the talent show variety but sideshows nonetheless. Both willing participants of on air behind the scenes programmes with two different reasons for taking part. First was emotional (wanted to talk through a relationship breakup), second promotional (wanted to get more clients for his business).

All cautionary tales seemed to fall on deaf ears because they both had a strange belief that they wouldn't "be like those who look insane and unreasonable".

It's not just reality TV that brings out the delusion. Company executives step unprepared into TV studios, confident that the ego that does them so well in the boardroom will work its magic on camera. And subject matter experts ramble on to journalists convinced that their evangelical zeal will inspire.

If you're doing TV for promotional purposes work out what you want to achieve and how your offline activity supports your onscreen appearance. Have you timed your marketing with the transmission? Are you ready to take advantage of any incoming queries and are your staff prepped for any possible negative reaction? If it seems obvious, you'd be surprised how many people think it'll just fall into place.

Ultimately anyone producing a reality TV show is looking to deliver entertainment not reality. Take stock before you agree to appear - think what's in it for you, don't trust that your everyday charm will make it onscreen, and take advice from experts before signing anything. Reality bites.

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