Thursday, 10 March 2011

Just shut up and tweet

Can a business survive in this world without tweeting? I don’t know, but they certainly can’t ignore the fact that everyone else is doing it anymore. There was a time five years ago or maybe even three years ago if you tried really hard, where you could get away with ignoring social media. But ignore it now and the experts say you’re ignoring a business goldmine. There are even people who have gone as far as adding to their business empire and leveraging their fame to sell their tweet space. Take Kim Kardashian’s $10,000 per tweet deal. We’ll that’s cash for comment and I disagree with it entirely. However, times are changing and tweeting is where it’s at right now.

For businesses, it’s about building brands and PR. It’s another way to get known and promote a business so it can grow and become bigger. People become more aware of your brand and you get more sales or clicks or enquiries or customers. Your business makes more money and it’s a success. In times of crisis it’s also a great communications channel – an instant way to reassure customers or clients of the situation.

Facebook is the same. With more than 500 million users worldwide it’s undeniable that it’s having an impact. And businesses are likely to benefit. Founder Mark Zuckerberg will never have to work again. He’s hit the goldmine that is social media. So if you’re not on it, chances are you’re missing out on something pretty big.

The modern, social world we live in is all about competition, and there’s a big chance your business rivals are tweeting their praises right now.

Don’t know what to tweet about? I was given some advice about six months ago by a mentor of mine which I’m happy to share – ‘just shut up and tweet.’