Tuesday, 6 April 2010

It's a 3-D summer - so why does so much PR look flat?

They say it’s going to be a 3-D summer – movies ‘coming at ya’ on the big screen and TV programmes that reach out to the viewer. But is your own company story being brought to life with such dimension? The first wave of the economic upturn is upon us and competition is fierce to get noticed. If there was such a thing as 3-D PR what would it look like? And how would it help your business make the biggest impact?

PR relies on:

1. great stories

2. great evidence to back up opinions of

3. great spokespeople.

Tapping into the media agenda is vital to ensure that your PR resonates and finds an audience. And prepping the content and the spokespeople can make the difference between blockbuster coverage and an empty house. We've made a commitment to work with all our clients in a way that energises their brands - whether they're marketing managers attending a Master class, or clients relying on Wordville to make a splash for their business. Will it be 3-D PR? Sit back, pop your glasses on and watch this space.